Modérateurs: Heikki-spirit, noux, Drool1, HAD RF1
HAD RF1 a écrit:Je préfère que ça soit Heikki qui casse la suspension plutôt que la suspension qui casse toute seule comme chez Toy'...
HAD RF1 a écrit:Sha a écrit:HAD RF1 a écrit:Heikki qui frôle le mur et qui explose sa suspension gauche...
Euh, il a fait un peu plus que 'frôler' le mur hein...
Il y a pas été trop méchamment, il l'a léché si tu préfères.
HAD RF1 a écrit:Je préfère que ça soit Heikki qui casse la suspension plutôt que la suspension qui casse toute seule comme chez Toy'...
Myster a écrit:J'peux déjà vous prédire la suite:
Mauvaise qualification de HK, GP annonyme voir un peu pourri, les raisons ? Moins de roulage que les autres en EL, il a utilisé la voiture de secours, ou je ne sais quelle auto qui n'est pas la sienne... C'est donc pas de sa faute... (A voir...)
"It was disappointing to hit the wall this afternoon and lose running time in the second session, but this is a demanding circuit where one small mistake can cost you a lot," said Kovalainen, who finished at the bottom of the times.
"Apart from that small error, though, I think it was quite a good start to the weekend.
"The car balance felt pretty good this morning: the handling was neutral, and I could attack the braking zones well. My timed lap wasn't perfect, but the package felt quite competitive.
"In terms of the second session, there isn't much to say: I had one run on old tyres, then went out on the softer tyre but I made a mistake in turn 7, ran wide on the exit and hit the wall quite hard. It damaged the suspension, but also punctured the rear tyre, which meant I couldn't make it back to the pits.
"I did enough laps today to learn the circuit, and the challenge now will be to find the right set-up in the final session, and get comfortable using both types of tyre."
HAD RF1 a écrit:"It was disappointing to hit the wall this afternoon and lose running time in the second session, but this is a demanding circuit where one small mistake can cost you a lot," said Kovalainen, who finished at the bottom of the times.
"Apart from that small error, though, I think it was quite a good start to the weekend.
"The car balance felt pretty good this morning: the handling was neutral, and I could attack the braking zones well. My timed lap wasn't perfect, but the package felt quite competitive.
"In terms of the second session, there isn't much to say: I had one run on old tyres, then went out on the softer tyre but I made a mistake in turn 7, ran wide on the exit and hit the wall quite hard. It damaged the suspension, but also punctured the rear tyre, which meant I couldn't make it back to the pits.
"I did enough laps today to learn the circuit, and the challenge now will be to find the right set-up in the final session, and get comfortable using both types of tyre."
En quoi ça parle de Lewis ?
Big One a écrit:Myster a écrit:J'peux déjà vous prédire la suite:
Mauvaise qualification de HK, GP annonyme voir un peu pourri, les raisons ? Moins de roulage que les autres en EL, il a utilisé la voiture de secours, ou je ne sais quelle auto qui n'est pas la sienne... C'est donc pas de sa faute... (A voir...)
Et qui te dit que Fisico se rate en qualif et se fout dans le mur et fait une course à la Barcelone cette année.
Ce sera à Fisico de prendre le mulet comme à Monaco ce fut à Heikki puis à Barcelone Heikki s'était montré plus rapide que Fisico avec les mêmes réglages.
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