noux a écrit:
.:: Kimi still undecided - Haug ::.(GMM) McLaren will confirm the identity of Fernando Alonso's 2007 teammate in the next couple of months.
That is the revelation of Mercedes' competition director Norbert Haug, who insists that Kimi Raikkonen is still a contender.
''Some people say that he goes to Ferrari, others say he's going to Renault, but he tells me that he doesn't know what he is going to do,'' he was quoted as saying by 'AS'.
''I don't think he lies to me. He is studying his options before making what he believes is the best decision.
''The one certain thing is that we already have a great driver for 2007 (Alonso) and not everyone can say that.''
ha ha ha, bien sure qu'il va le dire en premier aux mecs qu'ils veut fuir depuis un an...
c'est drole, haug est souvent drole!
mais si tu me prends pour un menteur, alors ok, il a pas signé , et il reste chez mac!
mais arrete de me balancer les dires de mecs qu'il veut justement garder au secret!
quand renault ou raikkonen annonceront, alors la tu aura du materiel, mais le pére du futur ex manager de raikkonen ou les mecs qu'ils veut mettre au silence, merci!