1,6L V6T F1

Le Alpine F1 Team : ses pilotes, son actu etc.

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1,6L V6T F1

Messagede 1,6-V6T » Mar 17 Déc 2013 14:18


My french is not so good so I will write in english. Hopefully this is allowed. Please don't ban me :) I know that this could lead to problems but i will try it since I think that you can help me.

I am a big fan of the new F1 Renault engine and searching for information about but can't find anything. Ok, it is clear that there won't be too much about F1 engines but anything I can find will be nice. So since it is a complete new engine I would like to ask you here if there is a Renault engine which is similar to that one? That means 1,6L V6 and Turbo?

Do someone know who is doing the ECU for this engine? You call it "calculateur de bord" I think :)

Sorry for writing in english again!!!

Merci et cordialement :)
Messages: 4
Inscription: Mar 17 Déc 2013 14:04

Re: 1,6L V6T F1

Messagede quidam » Mar 17 Déc 2013 16:19


ECU = every team has the same : Mc Laren techno.

Engine : go to FIA site :

http://www.fia.com/sites/default/files/ ... -12-09.pdf
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Re: 1,6L V6T F1

Messagede aifol » Mar 17 Déc 2013 17:15

Bienvenue :wink:

Unfortunately there is no "big " engine manufactured by Renault for road cars. There was a V6 Turbo 3.0L (a shared product with Peugeot) a not so long time ago, but it was just average and fun only in the Clio V6.
They are more specialised in Diesel engines, also used by Nissan or Mercedes in the Class A.
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Re: 1,6L V6T F1

Messagede 1,6-V6T » Mar 17 Déc 2013 21:44


guys, I knew that I am right here :) Thanks a lot, these information pointed me into the right direction! I never asked myself who is manufacturing the ECU's, thought that for RB the "Créateur d'Automobiles" is doing that :) since there are always some little differences which are crucial for winning or loosing. So most probably the changes are done live during the race ...

Now I am reading about the standard ECU from McLaren, but as assumed there is not much information around. So I think that it would be impossible to get familiar with the engine management.

I thought that there is maybe a similar Renault engine which I could study but since there is no on it would be hard.

Maybe there are some rough similarities with the R4 1,6T engine from the Nissan Juke but no idea.

Who is usually doing the engine management for petrol engines fo Renault? I know that it was Sagem for some types but don't know if this is valid for the newest engines.

Thanks again for the information although I think that it will be nerly impossible to get more data about the F1 engine and McLaren ECU.
Messages: 4
Inscription: Mar 17 Déc 2013 14:04

Re: 1,6L V6T F1

Messagede ben13.mars » Mar 17 Déc 2013 22:44

And if you want more information, here the press kit for the 2014 Power Unit by Renault : https://www.dropbox.com/s/ut2zcrlvnt996 ... bal_en.pdf
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Re: 1,6L V6T F1

Messagede 1,6-V6T » Mer 18 Déc 2013 16:25

guys, very nice to provide all that information :wink: Was no mistake to come here and search for further information :merci:

If you have other information as well then please feel free to post it here :wink:

So now I only have to get an McLaren F1 ECU and then I can start stuying the engine :mrgreen:

Messages: 4
Inscription: Mar 17 Déc 2013 14:04

Re: 1,6L V6T F1

Messagede quidam » Jeu 19 Déc 2013 06:46

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Inscription: Jeu 22 Mai 2008 05:19

Re: 1,6L V6T F1

Messagede 1,6-V6T » Sam 21 Déc 2013 15:00

flavio: :merci:
Messages: 4
Inscription: Mar 17 Déc 2013 14:04

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