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Technical analysis of the Renault R28
By Craig Scarborough Monday, January 21st 2008, 15:09 GMT
Renault ran their new car, the R28, at a foggy Valencia circuit for the first time this morning.
The Renault R28After a poor 2007 season, the new car is substantially different in its aerodynamic treatment over the R27 - the front end in particular being innovative, with a new front wing arrangement and a switch to a zero keel front suspension.
The team endured a tough year in 2007 with the transition to Bridgestone tyres and the loss of Fernando Alonso to McLaren. The tyre changes unearthed aerodynamic problems not apparent with the Michelins and the team spent a lot of time early in the season calmly understanding where the problems lie.
Whereas the 2007 car was a clear evolution from the previous championship-winning machine, the new car adopts many new designs and bears only a few recognisable features from its forebear. The whole front end is a new solution, starting with a large nose cone, which sits low over the front wing.
The new nose also forms the mounting for the front wing, the usual vertical plates that mount the front wing are now nearer horizontal mounting the point where the front wing dips into the spoon section. This is a neater solution and makes some use of the mounting plates to manage the flow over the front suspension.
Above the main wing is a bridge wing. Renault have added a small support between the nose and wing, to ensure it doesn't move - perhaps mindful after the problems of 2007 that the wing is consistent and does not move about altering the aero balance.
One big change is the move away from a "V keel" to a Zero Keel set up. This appears to ape Ferrari's design, with the upper wishbone being spaced from the tub to retain ideal suspension geometry. Bargeboards are slightly revised, with the forward vanes being mounted McLaren-like to the tub.
The sidepod treatment is also very different. Last year's car had the pod wing, wing mirror and flip merged together, while this year they are split up - the pod wings are smaller, the mirrors moved to near the cockpit and the flip-ups now start further back and down along the sidepods.
The Renault R28This flip-up is now mounted to a removable panel, suggesting more development is due in this area. While the sidepods themselves have a shape that appears sunken and slimmed towards the rear.
Along with the placement of the chimney and flip-up, the new sidepods appear disconcertingly like Honda's unsuccessful 2007 car. The teardrop-shaped exhaust fairings are retained, with the exhausts sat deep within the covers.
Above the sidepods the engine cover is very low and the upper section is slimmed in typical 2007 fashion, with dimensional strakes to meet the rules concerning minimum width.
At the rear a large outlet duct is formed, presumably to vent the heat from hydraulics, as with the Ferrari F2007. Although the rear end is very narrow, it does appear wider due to the fairing over the rear upper suspension, which is spaced from the gearbox in a similar manner to the front suspension.
Lastly, the diffuser appears similar to that one used in 2007, with the rear brake ducts and suspension arms in similar positions.
As the car is not yet formally launched, there is no word on the cars layout regard wheelbase weight distribution.
No doubt Renault have chosen to put more weight forward to suit the Bridgestones tyres, but how this is achieved will have to wait until the official launch at the end of the month in Paris.
pat1 a écrit:C'est vrai qu'au premier coup d'oeil, elle ressemble enormément à la R27. Mais il y a qu'en même des petites subtilités.
Heidfeld tient Renault à l’oeil : « Ils s’amélioreront en 2008 »
Nick Heidfeld pense que Renault pourrait s’avérer être très compétitive cette année avec sa nouvelle R28. Après une saison 2007 très décevante, le retour de Fernando Alonso doit aider l’équipe française à rejoindre le sommet...
« Je pense sérieusement que Renault fera cette année une étape considérable vers l’avant. J’espère naturellement que nous pourrons rester devant eux. Il est certain que Renault s’améliorera en 2008, » a indiqué l’allemand.
« Je considère toujours Ferrari et McLaren Mercedes comme les deux meilleures équipes. La nouvelle McLaren a tout de suite été rapide dès sa première journée d’essais et, après quelques tours, a obtenu des chronos impressionnants. Mon espoir que est la lutte sera captivante cette année entre Ferrari et McLaren Mercedes ; et pour nous, le but est de réduire l’écart avec ces deux équipes, » a-t-il ajouté.
"La voiture est telle qu'elle était lorsqu'elle a quitté l'usine - explique Briatore dans le Diario AS - avant de penser à changer la moindre chose, la chose la plus importante est la fiabilité. A partir de mercredi, nous allons commencer à travailler sur les réglages."
Dans certains médias espagnols, Fernando Alonso a d'ailleurs déclaré qu'il se sentait plus à l'aise au volant de la R27 que de la R28.
Cela pourrait commencer à changer très bientôt, lorsque Renault travaillera sur le comportement de sa nouvelle voiture.
A noter encore que Fernando Alonso a arrêté hier sa Renault en pleine ligne droite. Il serait tout simplement tombé en panne d'essence, son équipe effectuant des tests sur la consommation.
Tito-F1 a écrit:et dire qu'il y a pas si longtemps avant les essais on entendait que Renault avait pris trop de retard en 2007 pour pouvoir être au premier plan en 2008... maintenant ils commencent à se rendre compte que Renault risque de se mêler à la bataille !!! vivement le premier GP!!!
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