Modérateurs: Heikki-spirit, noux, Drool1, HAD RF1
Ghost Rider a écrit:Edit
Pour le F-duct, quelqu'un a la source qui dit qu'il ne sera pas a Valence ?
Alan Permane qualifie la prochaine update de ''very big''
11286] Comment by RF1 Paddock Pass 1 day ago
Pawel, Robert was referring specifically to the wing package for Canada - not in general. We were very quick in a straight line, and he felt we could have coped with running a little more wing.
As for F-duct, no, it won't be in Valencia.
Ghost Rider a écrit:C'est ce que j'ai dis; c'est Alan Permane et il mentionne les mêmes evos; aileron + fond plat... il ajoute aussi qu'il est sûr que la R30 sera clairement devant la W01
Robert Kubica's team is preparing to jump on the podium in the Grand Prix of Europe. The head of the Renault F1 Team engineers Alan Perma argues that Pole position in the top three is the goal of French stables for the race in Valencia, Spain.
At the GP of Europe is preparing a lot of improvements Renault R30 car - a new floor, new suspension, and the "Channel F", which allows for increasing the speed of the car on long straights. This will enable Kubica to fight for the podium.
- I think that with the amendments to introduce, this is a realistic goal. Of course, assuming that the improvements will give such a return, we expect - said perm.
- In Canada, we were very, very close to the leaders. Okay, it was not a great race for us, but in qualifying we were really close to the best - says the head of the Renault engineers.
- In the GP of Europe should be better than Ferrari. They also have the patch, but the last track, similar to Valencia - in Turkey - were quietly before them. Our goal is to have two drivers in the top ten, and Robert, even on the podium - announces Perm.
- In the wind tunnel, our new front wing writes down very well. We also have a new floor for the first time three races, so this is a big improvement. We believe that Valencia will be able to achieve very good lap times - says Chief Engineer Renault F1 Team.
Drool1 a écrit:Ils ont raisons, ne faisont pas la meme erreur que Ferrari.
Red Bull ne s'y est pas tromper non plus, on l'annonce depuis Turquie, et ils le metteront que quand ils seront sur de lui
Vous rappelez-vous une saison durant laquelle le rythme de développement ait été aussi élevé ?
Le rythme de développement est, effectivement, incroyable cette année. Une donnée illustre notre progression : l’écart qui nous sépare de la pole position sur chaque course s’est réduit de manière progressive. Nous avons donc été plus rapides dans le développement que certains de nos concurrents. Avec les nouveautés que nous planifions pour ce weekend, nous espérons poursuivre cette tendance.
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