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We have to wait on Kubica recovery, says Boullier
Renault team principal Eric Boullier says it’s still too early to predict when – or indeed if – Robert Kubica will be able to return to the cockpit.
Speaking on BBC Five Live tonight Boullier said that it will be a couple of weeks before the doctors know more about Kubica’s recovery process.
“I exchanged a couple of text messages with him last night, and I went to see him last Wednesday,” said the Frenchman. “His progressing very well actually, and it’s going as well as you would think to be in that state.
“It’s still very early, he’s just starting the rehabilitation this week. I think the hand and the elbow are the tricky ones that he injured in the accident. We still need to wait a couple of weeks I think to start to have a clear understanding of what will be the recovery and when.
“Rehabilitation started only this week, so it’s not easy to understand. Now the morale is difficult as well, he realises how tough it will be to work and to be back.”
However he insisted that Kubica is in good humour: “Actually he surprised everybody at the hospital in Italy. All the doctors came to me last time I visited him and they were very, very amazed how he’s mentally strong, and he was even smiling. He was an example to the department.”
"Robert - dit Morelli - vu la course comme un enfant peut suivre les plus drôles de dessins animés de Disney. En fin de compte, le résultat obtenu, il a dit que certainement la Renault Lotus a montré des performances au-delà des attentes. Mais il avait déjà réalisé des essais de Barcelone que la voiture pourrait être compétitive. Il a tenu à féliciter Petrov, pour de superbes performances dans les deux qualifications et la course. "
comme un enfant peut suivre les plus drôles de dessins animés de Disney
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