Modérateurs: Heikki-spirit, noux, Drool1, HAD RF1
“Se está cambiando de escudería y lo que se está trabajando es ir con la Lotus”, dijo el ministro. “A nosotros lo que nos interesa es Pastor Maldonado no la Williams”.
"La situation n’est donc pas fermée pour lu, nous ne pouvons accepter d’être accusé d’avoir pris notre décision trop tard. J’ai téléphoné chez Force India et cher Lotus. Ces deux équipes font tous les deux du bon travail et j’ai recommandé Sergio car il mérite d’être en F1."
franki ki a écrit:Bon ça devient gonflant
Sinon quidam sait-tu si avec tout ça le développement de la e22 est en retard ou pas?
D'ailleurs je suppose que lotus aura un moteur renault l'an prochain?
Bref vivement la fin du suspense c'est pénible
The problem is that we know other things as well, which have not been in the public domain about what has been going on and that is why people are waiting to see. Did you know – for example – that the money was actually in a Genii Capital bank account at one point, but the bank was not allowed to complete the transfer because it was more money than the bank was licensed to transfer? Probably not. I have heard that from both sides so I tend to believe it. This is one of the reasons that Genii Capital is hanging on, because they are pretty sure that this money is real. That does not mean that it will be delivered because clearly there are lots of complications. Time is definitely running out… but until it is over let us see whether this turns out OK or not. It is quite important for the health of Lotus F1 that it does. The reason I have been cautious is that I don’t know the answer and so I am not going to get up and pontificate as so many others are doing. We don’t need to do that. We can just wait and see…
aifol a écrit:Je veux bien que ce soit compliqué mais bon, ce Ijaz ils doit bien faire affaire régulièrement avec des sociétés US et faire des gros virements
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