Modérateurs: Heikki-spirit, noux, Drool1, HAD RF1
franki ki a écrit:C'est comme ça c'est petrov, on a une chèvre faut l'assumer.
Sinon ça m'étonne pas ses déclarations concernant l'arrière, en fait il a du mal a gérer les gaz dans les courbes je l'ai vu l'an passé à Barcelone après la ligne droite au premier freinage/virage c'était un des seul à galérer à la ré-accélération.
Drool1 a écrit:Il lui faut une auto tres neutre je pense, et "facile" , pas un truc pointu. Bref, il lui faut une auto de debutant quoi, ca me fait penser a Grosjean qui a commencer sur une bagnole inconduisible, il avait vraiment du potentiel lui!
Q. Other teams are putting you in that group just behind Ferrari and Red Bull?
VP: Who said we are behind Ferrari?
08:35 Gilbert asks: When will Enstone have a simulator similar to what McLaren and Ferrari are using – and do you believe it is vital for F1 teams to go down that route?
EB: The green light for this project was given last Christmas, so we should have it at the beginning of 2012. For me it is vital for an F1 team now because some drivers are more enthusiastic to use simulators, but even for the teams it is an important tool now.
"But clearly we are in a better position than one year ago."
Boullier added that the R31 will also sport components when it begins the opening grand prix weekend in Melbourne on the last weekend of March.
"We have some new parts coming," said Boullier. "This week was a case of gradual updates for the car, and we should have upgrades for Australia. And we have some more coming at later races - big steps!
"We will have similar development rates to last year, and we have two strong packages coming."
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